So the answer is, it depends. (LOL, that's always the answer when it comes to tax matters!)
I'm sure you've heard all the buzz now that the IRS plans to issue checks in December 2024 from the 2021 tax year for those that 1) filed and 2) were eligible but 3) did not claim the Recovery Rebate Credit of 2021.
After reviewing the numbers, the IRS determined that more than 1 MILLION taxpayers did not claim this credit and there is an excess of about $2.4 BILLION (yes, with a B) that needs to be issued.
The maximum payment will be $1400 and will be directly deposited into bank accounts or mailed to the address of record for the taxpayer from the 2023 tax return. Again, this is for people that FILED a return in 2021, and were eligible for the credit but did not claim it.
Now, for those of you who still have not filed a 2021 return, there is still time. If you file your 2021 taxes by April 15, 2025, you can still claim the credit and access those funds, if you are eligible. Even if you didn't work, or worked very little, you can still file a return JUST TO CLAIM THE CREDIT!
If you do not remember if you received the credit/stimulus payment or not, the best course of action is to log into your IRS Online Account. Now, it is a bit of a pain to set up (IYKYK) because of the identity verification, but once you're in, it's GOLDEN and super helpful.
When you get in, click the "Records and Status" tab on the top menu bar.
Once, that page loads, if you scroll to the bottom right corner, you will see a section titled
Economic Impact Payment Information and you can use the "+" to expand each year and recall what payments you received.
That's it y'all. I hope this helps to explain who is expected to receive a payment and what you can do if you still need to claim yours. If you have questions, send me a DM on Instagram and I'll be happy to help!
Until next time,